Description of Existing Facility
This website provides a synopsis of the combined Phase I-A and Phase I-B evaluation of alternatives pursuant to the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Alignment Study of US 60 MP 203.6 TO 205.
The Alignment Study begins on the west edge of Mountainair, New Mexico at milepost (MP) 203.6 and continues east through Mountainair to MP 205. This segment of US 60 is a two-lane facility. The existing typical section varies from 2 12-foot driving lanes with little or no shoulders to a central business district (CBD) roadway width of 80’ from curb to curb. The existing curb varies in height from 3 inches to as much as 16 inches. Existing parking in the CBD is angle or perpendicular parking currently unmarked. It was observed that people park at angles varying from 45 to 90 degrees. Existing sidewalks are old and in poor condition and many do not provide curb ramp transitions to street grade. Sidewalks will be evaluated at entrances to businesses to ensure access complies with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. This may require additional ramps on sidewalks for access to businesses.
The Study began in the summer of 2019, the study team established the existing conditions and held the first public meeting on November 20, 2019. The team presented several preliminary alternatives at this meeting and received and recorded comments for additional areas of concern and feedback on the preliminary alternatives. A second public information meeting was held on June 15, 2020, in a virtual, online presentation format. The study team met with the Town of Mountainair Mayor and Clerk on January 26th, 2021, at which the alternatives were discussed and additional comments were collected. A third public meeting was held on November 16, 2023, in person, in Mountainair. The recommended alternatives were presented to the attendees and comments indicated that the back-in-angled parking was unpopular. The study made final adjustments to the Alignment Study and presented the changes and final selected alternatives at the Town Council Meeting on July 2nd, 2024. A graphic of the timeline is provided below.
Project Purpose and Need
The Purpose of the US 60, milepost 203.6 TO 205, Alignment Study is to identify physical roadway deficiencies and drainage, safety and mobility deficiencies for all modes while considering economic development. From the deficiencies solutions are identified, evaluated by the public and project stakeholders, and then selected outright, retained for further consideration, or eliminated.
The Need is based on poor pavement conditions, ADA deficiencies, intermittent pedestrian facilities, lack of bicycle accessibility and safety, frequent uncontrolled highway access, poor intersection and driveway geometry, undefined roadside parking, poor roadside and crossing drainage issues and roadside safety.
For more details, see Existing Conditions resources.
NMDOT has programmed $17,550,000 for construction on this corridor in Fiscal Year 2027.
The project alternatives listed below are considered under three categories:
Selected - this category of alternative will move into preliminary design.
For ease of review, selected alternatives are highlighted green.
Retained - this category of alternative will be further reviewed and refined and may not be added to the preliminary design.
For ease of review, retained alternatives are highlighted blue.
Considered but eliminated - is eliminated from preliminary design as it did not address the project's need.
1. No Build: This would leave all segments of the project as they are with no improvements beyond routine maintenance. (Considered but eliminated)
2.Roadway typical sections
a. Extending sidewalks and curb & gutter to
i. Just west of 3rd Street or (Considered but eliminated)
ii. Just west of Limit Avenue (Selected Alternative)
b. Widening roadway with new 8-foot shoulders at the beginning and end of project.
3. Central Business District Parking Alternatives
a. Parallel Parking (Considered but eliminated)
b. Back-In Diagonal Parking (Considered but eliminated)
c. Front-In Diagonal Parking (Considered but eliminated)
d. Perpendicular Parking (Selected Alternative)
4.Gateway Roundabouts
a. Sunset Avenue (Considered but eliminated)
b. Railroad Avenue (Considered but eliminated)
5.Intersection and Driveway Geometry
a. Skewed Intersection Realignment (Retained)
b. Closure of side streets at US 60 (Selected Alternative)
7.Drainage Improvements
a. Cross drainage culvert structures (Retained)
b. Storm drain system (Selected Alternative)
c. Detention ponds (Selected Alternative)
d. Roadside ditches (Retained)
a. Ornamental street lights (Retained)
b. Color patterned crosswalks (Retained)
c. Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons (RRFB) at crosswalks for Summit Avenue (Retained)
d. Green Bike Lanes through Central Business District (Retained)
For more on this, see Project Alternatives.
US Route 60 (US 60) is a United States highway that runs east-west through central New Mexico. The highway is predominantly a two-lane facility, with 3-lane and 4 to 5-lane segments near larger populated communities like Socorro, Encino, Vaughn, Fort Sumner, Taiban, Melrose, Clovis, and Texico.
The study area for this segment of US 60 is from the westerly beginning of project (BOP) near milepost (MP) 203.6 easterly to the end of project (EOP) at MP 205. The segment is nearly two miles in length and runs through Mountainair serving as the primary main street. The figure below provides the study location.